Never rely on outdated
rem data

Simple and straightforward real-time salary benchmarking platform based on what matters most: Attracting & retaining talent.

How LiveRem works

Real-time data

Remuneration data is gathered directly from our customers’ payroll and HR systems, providing a real-time salary survey of how much a role is worth.

Accurate job matching

Roles are matched using our advanced job-matching technology, providing a trust score on the reliability of the job matching from the datapoints in the platform.

Privacy is so important to us, so all data sets are anonymous, ensuring your data is secure while providing you with valuable insights to drive decision making.


Understand today’s market remuneration

Turn your remuneration process into a source of valuable information instead of frustration.

To use LiveRem, you simply share your company data and you can access, search and compare roles across industries and companies all over New Zealand*.

LiveRem is your always-on salary survey.

Save your valuable time

No more wasting time on completing lengthy salary surveys.

Integrate your payroll or HR system to allow for seamless integration and flow of information.

Trusted real time data

Understand today’s market* value of your role with advanced role matching.

Trust scores highlight how many datapoints are available to give you confidence in the dataset of your role comparisons.

Insights like never before

Access real-time insights to see how your organisation ranks on key metric areas**, such as

  • Gender pay gaps

  • Location-based comparisons

  • Tenure in role

  • Industry comparisons

  • Ethnicity

We support any payroll & HR system with APIs

View our LiveRem Integrations. No APIs? No problem. Get in touch to see how we can help.

Empower your negotiations

Equip yourself with the most up-to-date and accurate data so you can focus on what matters most: Attracting & retaining talent.

* Benchmarking of roles is limited to the data provided by the companies in the platform. Not all roles will have sufficient data to have a benchmark supplied.

** Metrics will be provided where sufficient data is available.

As featured in